
My teaching interests include: legal AI, empirical legal methods, judicial lawmaking, legal theory, EU law, comparative judicial politics, legal theory and European integration. I believe in interactive learning and my class feature online games, simulations, surveys, hands-on data analysis, programming, quizzes and role-playing games.

Courses taught 2021-2024:

  • Introduction to Legal AI (Jurisprudence Seminar, undergraduate, in English), with Bram Maeschaelk and Ahmad Shavaroughi.
  • The Court of Justice and the Emerging Common Law of Europe (postgraduate, in English).
  • Foundations of Law (undergraduate, in French)
  • Judicial Lawmaking (postgraduate, in English)
  • Introduction to Empirical Legal Research (in French)

I regularly teach PhD crash courses on empirical methods, legal AI and academic writing.

This summer I taught workshops on introduction to Python programming, Legal Forecasting and Network Analysis at the AI & Law Summer School held at the European University Institute in Florence. I also gave a lecture on Law and Large Language Models at the Brussels School of Artificial Intelligence.